Pharmacokinetic Drug Information & Bayesian Dosing Calculators

Pharmacokinetic drug dosing information is provided for the following drugs: acyclovir intravenous dosing, aminoglycosidesdigoxin, lithium, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and vancomycin.

Bayesian pharmacokinetic dosing calculators, dosing charts, and graphic dosing tools are available for aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin, and tobramycin), digoxin, lithium, phenobarbital, phenytoin, theophylline, and vancomycin. Bayesian dosing tools are available as Excel Spreadsheets which may be downloaded. These are located on the specific drug's page and in the links below. The purpose of these tools is educational and to prevent dosing errors due to hand calculations, standardize the process, and decrease the time required to calculate an appropriate regimen. Please review the information on the drug's page before using the dosing tools. Other drug dosing calculators will be added as time permits. If there is a particular dosing tool you would like created that is not available please email a request.

The dosing tools (charts, graphics, and calculators) use standard non-abbreviated pharmacokinetic dosing equations for a one-compartment open model. The equations are provided on the Basic Pharmacokinetic Principles and One-Compartment Model Equations page. Simplified dosing equations are included below for those who wish to do hand calculations. The calculators determine the patient's creatinine clearance, dosing weight, drug clearance, volume of distribution, dose per kg of dosing weight, loading dose, and appropriate maintenance regimen. The user may then input the desired dosing regimen. Their advantage is the lack of hand calculations and ease of use. The calculators may be used to analyze serum levels. The graphic tools are non-Bayesian and are faster and easier to use than traditional programs or calculators when a single serum level is being analyzed. Ideally one can determine the initial regimen with the dosing calculator and then use the graphic tools for further dosage adjustments when once-daily dosing of aminoglycosides.

Two-compartment model equations and simulations for vancomycin with comparison to a one-compartment model are located on the vancomycin two-compartment model page. Vancomycin medication usage evaluations for a one-compartment model, two-compartment model, and hemodialysis dosing are located on the vancomycin page.

An Adult Infusion Rate Calculator and Adult Drip Rate Charts are available for vasoactive drugs, anticoagulants, and other medications (amiodarone, argatroban, bivalirudin, diltiazem, dopamine, dobutamine, epinephrine, esmolol, fenoldopam, heparin, integrilin, insulin, isoproterenol, labetalol, milrinone, nesiritide, nitroglycerine, nitroprusside, norepinephrine, phenylephrine, procainamide, and propofol). The purpose of the infusion rate dosing tools are to prevent medication errors, standardized concentrations, and assist the nurse taking care of a patient.

This site is developed and maintained for educational use. No warranties are expressed or implied.

If you have questions or suggestions concerning the dosing tools please contact Marshall Pierce PharmD.

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© 2020 Marshall Pierce

Links to Drug Information Pages, Dosing Tools, Drip Rate Calculators and Other Information

Acyclovir Intravenous Dosing In Adults

Adult Standard Infusion Rate Charts   Adult Standard Infusion Rate Calculator, Web-Based

Aminoglycoside and Vancomycin Excel downloadable Bayesian & Non-Bayesian dosing tool for Vancomycin and Aminoglycosides, open-compartment open model, for steady state or Non-Steady State dosing, using a non-linear fitting routine and the method of superposition. The tool creates a data file of data fittings that may be used to perform MUEs. The Solver Add-in must be available for the file to run. In Excel do the following: Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ins, Manage Excel Add-in Click Go, Check Solver Add-in and, select OK. Excel Program Instructions

Aminoglycosides Pharmacokinetic Dosing Information and Details
Aminoglycosides Once-daily Dosing: Pharmacy & Therapeutics Review
Amikacin Once-daily Dosing 15 mg/kg Graphic Tool
Aminoglycoside Once-daily Dosing 3 mg/kg Graphic Tool
Gentamicin & Tobramycin once-daily Dosing 5 mg/kg Graphic Tool
Aminoglycoside Once-daily Dosing 7 mg/kg Graphic Tool
Aminoglycoside Once-daily Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting For Troughs, Web-Based
Aminoglycoside Traditional Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting for a Peak and Trough, Web-Based

AUC Calculations for One and Two-Compartment Models with a Downloadable Excel File.

Basic Pharmacokinetics & One-Compartment Model Equations
Bayesian Pharmacokinetics One-Compartment Model
Bayesian Pharmacokinetics Two-Compartment Model

Biography of Website Author

Creatinine Clearance Calculator

Commentary on Pharmacokinetic Studies, example data set, and optimizing pharmacokinetic parameters using Excel's Solver.

Digoxin Pharmacokinetic Dosing Information and Details
Digoxin Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting For Troughs, Web-Based
Digoxin Dosing Calculator Using Population Dosing or Levels Under Steady State or Non-Steady State Conditions, Download  
Solver Add-in must be available for the file to run. In Excel do the following: Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ins, Manage Excel Add-in Click Go, Check Solver Add-in, and select OK.
Digoxin Excel downloadable Bayesian Digoxin dosing tool, Open-compartment open model, for steady state or non-steady state dosing using the method of superposition. This is a more versatile tool than the one above. The tool creates a data file of data fittings that may be used to perform MUEs. The Solver Add-in must be available for the file to run. In Excel do the following: Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ins, Manage Excel Add-in Click Go, Check Solver Add-in, and select OK.

Hepatic Disease Score Calculator, Web-Based

Lithium Pharmacokinetic Dosing Information and Details
Lithium Dosing Using Non-Steady State or Steady State Levels, Single Level After Test Dose, Or Multiple Levels After Test Dose Calculator Download
Lithium Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting for 12-hour post-dose Levels, Web-Based

Phenobarbital Pharmacokinetic Information and Details
Phenobarbital Dosing Calculator Using Population Dosing or Levels Under Steady State and Non-Steady State Conditions, Download
Solver Add-in must be available for the file to run. In Excel do the following: Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ins, Manage Excel Add-in Click Go, Check Solver Add-in, and select OK.

Phenytoin Pharmacokinetic Dosing Information and Details
Phenytoin Bayesian Dosing Calculator, Using the Lambert W Function to Explicitly Solve the Michaelis-Menten Equation, Downloadable Excel File. The spreadsheet contains a VB macro and requires the solver add-in to be available for the file to run. To install Solver in Excel do the following: Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ins, Manage Excel Add-in Click Go, Check Solver Add-in, and select OK. Then save the file.
Phenytoin Dosing Calculator, The spreadsheet contains several tabs which are used for specific dosing scenarios described on each tab using the methods discussed in Winter's Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetic. Provided as a downloadable Excel file.


Simplified Pharmacokinetic Dosing Equations

Theophylline Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting For Troughs, Web-Based

Vancomycin Pharmacokinetic Dosing Information and Details
Vancomycin Bayesian AUC Dosing Calculator For Steady State Levels Using a Peak and Trough, Downloadable Excel File.
Vancomycin Bayesian AUC Dosing Calculator, Downloadable Excel File, open compartment open model, for use with varying dosing frequencies, doses, and steady state or Non-Steady State levels using the method of superposition. The tool creates a data file of data fittings that may be used to perform MUEs. The Solver Add-in must be available for the file to run. In Excel do the following: Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ins, Manage Excel Add-in Click Go, Check Solver Add-in, and select OK. Excel Program Instructions
Vancomycin Dosing Charts: Overview of Dosing ChartsVancomycin Dosing Chart I & Vancomycin Dosing Chart II
Vancomycin Dosing for High Flux Dialysis
Vancomycin AUC Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting For Troughs, Web-Based

Vancomycin Bayesian Dosing Calculator and Data Fitting For Steady-State or Non-Steady State Levels Using A Simplex Non-Linear Data Fitting Algorithm, Web-Based
Registration is required to use this application. Registration is free. Registered users may save, retrieve, and update data in a database including the following: patient demographic data, dosing, serum level, and serum creatinine history.  Patient data is stored using a user supplied HIPPA compliant identifier. Patient names are not to be used. The patient's fourteen most recent saved doses, levels, and serum creatinines may be retrieved and more data can be added when fitting the patients current serum levelsw. Up to 30 doses, levels and serum creatinines can be included in the data fitting. Data fittings may be Bayesian or Non-Bayesian. Volume of distribution and clearance or just clearance can be determined during data fitting. Changes in serum creatinine may be incorporated in the data fitting if desired.  Entered data is only available to the entering user so other users may not see the user's data. Users may download an Excel compatiable CVS file of their patient data fittings to compare predicted versus actual levels and to perform other data analyses.
Future planed enhances include:
Data analysis to optimization elimination rate and volume of distribution equations will be performed when sufficient data is available.
Graphical displays of the patient's data fitting.
Other drugs will be added to this dosing tool.

Vancomycin Pharmacokinetic Dosing: Analysis of Patient Data & Optimization of Kinetic Parameters
Monte Carlo Analysis of One-Compartment Vancomycin Bayesian Pharmacokinetic Dosing Using a Peak & Trough, Trough or Peak Serum Level For AUC Calculations
Vancomycin Two-Compartment Model Intermittent Infusion Pharmacokinetics

This site is developed and maintained for educational use. No warranties are expressed or implied.

Thanks for viewing the site.

Website Author
Marshall Pierce PharmD
Motorcycling on the Blueridge Parkway
